The Pelican Nebula (Pterodactyl Nebula) in the constellation Cygnus. This is an emission nebula, rich in ionized hydrogen and is the North America Nebula which is out of frame to the left. The nebula is approximately 1,800 light years away from earth and has the apparent magnitude of 8. To the rear of the eye is Herbig-Haro 555 which is a jet of matter and partially ionized gas ejected by newborn stars.

Capture Details:
Imaged from my backyard in upstate New York under Bortle 3 skies. Equipment:
Celestron 9.25” EdgeHD
Starizona Hyperstar V4 f2.2
Celestron CGEM DX mount
ZWO ASI2600mc-pro Imaging Camera
ZWO ASI224mc Guide Camera
Svbony 60mm Guidescope
ZWO ASIair Pro for image acquisition and gear control.
Image Specs: 100 x 180 second exposures Gain 100
Camera sensor cooled to -10°C
No filters used as the ASI2600mc-pro has the built in IR cut window.
Calibrated (with darks, flats, dark flats) and stacked in APP
Post processed in PixInSight