From left to right, NGC4222, NGC4216, and NGC4206, spiral galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster. There are also many faint fuzzies (galaxies) in the background. NGC4216 reminded me of a mini-Andromeda Galaxy.

Capture Details:
Imaged from my backyard in upstate New York under Bortle 3 skies.
Celestron 9.25” EdgeHD 0.7x reducer
Celestron CGEM DX mounted on a SkyShed Pier imaged from the SkyShed POD
ZWO ASI2600mc-pro Imaging Camera
Astronomik UV/IR filter
Celestron OAG with ASI174mm guide camera
ZWO ASIair Pro for image acquisition and gear control.
Image Specs:
75 x 300 second exposures Gain 100
Camera sensor cooled to -20°C
Calibrated (with darks, flats, dark flats) and stacked in APP
Post processed in PixInSight
