NGC3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy, an unbarred spiral galaxy, in the constellation Leo. This Galaxy is one of the galaxies that makes up the Leo Triplets and is approximately 35 million light years away from Earth. It has a faint tidal tail that stretches 300,000 light years across due to its interaction with a nearby galaxy.
Celestron 9.25” EdgeHD 0.7x reducer
Celestron CGEM DX mounted on a SkyShed Pier imaged from the SkyShed POD
ZWO ASI2600mc-pro Imaging Camera
Astronomik UV/IR filter
Celestron OAG with ASI174mm guide camera
ZWO ASIair Pro for image acquisition and gear control.
Image Specs:
75 x 300 second exposures Gain 100
Camera sensor cooled to -0°C
Calibrated (with darks, flats, dark flats) and stacked in Astro Pixel Processor
Post processed in PixInSight
