Whirlpool Galaxy, M51, in the constellation Canes Venatici. It is approximately 31 million light years away from earth. OSC camera data combined with Hydrogen Alpha data through the same ZWO ASI2600mc-pro OSC camera.

Capture Details:
Imaged from my backyard in upstate New York Adirondacks under Bortle 3 skies.
Celestron 9.25” EdgeHD 0.7x reducer
Celestron CGEM DX mounted on a SkyShed Pier imaged from the SkyShed POD
ZWO ASI2600mc-pro Imaging Camera
Astronomik UV/IR filter for the RGB data
Astronomik 12nm Hydrogen Alpha filter
Celestron OAG with ASI174mm guide camera
ZWO ASIair Pro for image acquisition and gear control.
Image Specs:
75 x 300 second exposures Gain 100 for the RGB data
50 x 300 second exposures Gain 100 for the Hydrogen Alpha data
Camera sensor cooled to -20°C
Calibrated (with darks, flats, dark flats) and stacked in APP
Post processed in PixInSight
